Terms & Conditions Articles

By enrolling in Pro Drivers Academy, students agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined herein

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Road Traffic Act 1988

Students must, hold a valid driver's license, obey all traffic laws and regulations while learning to drive, follow instructions and guidance provided by their driving instructor, maintain focus and attention on the road during driving lessons, respect the rights of other road users and pedestrians, inform the driving instructor of any medical conditions or impairments that may affect their ability to drive safely, take responsibility for their actions and decisions while operating a vehicle.

Health and Safety Regulations

Driving instructors at Pro Drivers Academy hold a valid driving instructor license issued by DVLA. Vehicles used for driving instruction are registered, insured, and maintained in a roadworthy condition. Vehicles used for instruction have additional safety features such as dual controls to ensure the safety of both the instructor and the student. Driving instructors at Pro Drivers Academy adhere to professional standards and guidelines set by regulatory bodies or associations governing driving instruction. Students are required to comply with all safety regulations and instructions communicated by instructors throughout driving sessions. Non-compliance may lead to lesson termination and loss of fees.

Liability and Indemnity

Pro Drivers Academy bears no responsibility for accidents, injuries, or damages arising during lessons, except in cases of instructor negligence. Students are accountable for any vehicle damage resulting from negligence or improper use during lessons. This encompasses, among other things, damages from collisions, reckless driving, or failure to adhere to instructions.

Payment Cancellations and Refund Policy

All payments for driving lessons must be settled entirely before scheduling sessions, unless alternative arrangements have been mutually agreed upon. Completing the full payment confirms the reservation of your lessons. Upon request, instalments plans may be considered. Refunds will only be granted in accordance with our refund policy, which may vary based on individual circumstances. To avoid incurring fees, notification of cancellation or rescheduling must be provided at least 48 hours in advance. Cancellations must be communicated via telephone or text message and acknowledged by your instructor. Should you fail to appear at the designated pickup location at the agreed- upon time, your instructor will wait for a maximum of 10 minutes. Failure to establish contact within this timeframe will result in a charge for the missed lesson. Your instructor will strive for punctuality, yet unforeseen circumstances such as vehicle breakdowns, accidents, or traffic congestion might require adjustments to lesson schedules or potential cancellations. In the event of instructor-initiated cancellations, no charges will apply. Should the instructor encounter delays, you will be promptly informed, and any missed time will be made up for at the conclusion of the lesson, at a time mutually agreed upon.

Changes to Terms and Conditions*

Pro Drivers Academy reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. Notice of changes will be provided to enrolled students via email or other means of communication.


Driving lessons will be scheduled based on availability, and Pro Drivers Academy will make reasonable efforts to accommodate student preferences. However, scheduling is subject to instructor availability.

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Pro Drivers Academy Chingford
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